Our Impact

The Safe Water Project trains locals in developing nations how to build, test, and sell bio-sand filters in their communities. The technology makes it easy for rural communities to learn how to build and maintain filters independently using only locally sourced materials. Teams become self-sustaining while improving the health of their community by providing clean, sustainable water.

Bio-sand Filter Technology

Bio-sand filter technology provides a safe-water solution that has been a proven for over 100+ years. The filters are constructed from locally sourced materials, and they require no electricity or chemicals to operate making them ideal for developing nations.


A bio-sand filter is simple. All water contains beneficial bacteria (probiotics) along with harmful organisms. The beneficial bacteria accumulate and thrive in the upper layers of sand to form a bio-layer. When you pour water through the filter, the bacteria in the bio-layer kill the harmful bacteria in the water and purify the water as it moves through the filter. Each bio-sand filter will purify 20,000 litres of water per year and avoid 3 tonnes of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that would otherwise be necessary to boil a portion of this water to make it safe to drink. On average, 3 families can share a bio-sand filter.



1) Diffuser: Protects the top of the sand and the bio layer from being damaged when water is poured into the filter.

2) Biolayer: A community of micro-organisms that live in the top 1-2 cm of the sand. The micro-organisms eat some pathogens in the water, helping the filter treat the water better.

3) Filtration Sand: Removes pathogens and suspended solids from water. The filtration sand is specially selected and prepared to treat the water well.

4) Separation Gravel: Supports the filtration sand and prevents it going into the drainage gravel and outlet tube.

5) Drainage Gravel: Supports the separation gravel and prevents it going into the outlet tube.

6) Lid: A tightly fitting lid prevents contamination and pests in the filter.

7) Outlet Tube: After the water flows down through the sand and gravel, it collects in the tube at the bottom of the filter. Gravity pushes the water up the tube, and it glows out the end of the tube on the outside of the filter.

8) Safe Water Storage: A water container with a lid and a tap protects the water from being contaminated again.