Your support matters

100% of your donation goes directly to projects

The first 100 donors to donate $100 or more (enough to sponsor one biosand filter) can claim a free thank you mug courtesy of GROSCHE. Each GROSCHE mug also provides 50+days of safe water through the Grosche Safe Water Project. E-mail when donating $100 or to receive the mug.


When choosing the tax receipt option you will be redirected, please select "Enviro-Stewards’ Safe Water Project” after the donation amount.





Funds can be used to subsidize a biosand filter when a community member can afford a portion of the cost. Remaining funds are used to educate & develop the community and launch new project sites.


A relief approach is used only when someone needs clean water but doesn't have the capacity to afford it. In these instances, someone in the community in need will be given a biosand filter. To sponsor an entire water project, please contact


When a customer can purchase a filter outright, funds are used for annual re-inspections to ensure proper maintenance/operation, to educate & develop the community and launch new project sites.


Other ways you can help


Become an Advocate

Help us find sponsors who will help families purchase a water filter for their homes by advocating for the project on social media.


Become a Corporate Partner or Sponsor

Help your company offset water consumption through sponsorship of SWP projects while reducing your environmental footprint.